Features & value

You can use each function separately or combine them for more complex process improvements.

Smart management of medical photos

Capture skin condition

Take a photo of a body-surface condition with Dermtest clinician app.

Mark surface location

Mark the body-area location of the problem.

Upload seamlessly

Uploading is secure, seamless and wireless.

Track and compare

All photos are easily retrievable with the help of filtering and sorting tools.

Sharing within departments

Capture skin condition

Take a photo of a body-surface condition with Dermtest clinician app.

Generate a smart link

Add relevant context data and generate a smart link, which directs to the case.

Share to colleague

Share the smart link with a colleague via suitable channel.

Receive advice

Colleague can easily view, take over the case or just consult via the application or EHR.

Tele-consultations between organisations

Capture skin condition

Take a photo of a body-surface condition with Dermtest clinician app.

Request consultation

Select an organisation or doctor from whom to request an asynchronous tele-consultation.

Receive a result

Get a notification, when the consulting specialist has answered the case.

Notify patient

Generate a summary of the case and automatically notify or remind the patient via the system.

Treatment report generation

Capture skin condition

Take a photo of a body-surface condition with Dermtest clinician app.

Add a treatment plan

Insert or pre-select treatment guidelines.

Generate report

Automatically generate a visual treatment guidance summary for the patient or their care giver.

Forward to patient

Send it to patient's e-mail, electronic patient record or just print it.

Pre- and post-appointment visual data

Order visual data

Patient shares photos of skin problem before the visit via the secure upload link.

Face-to-face appointment

When the patient comes to the appointment, you can easily add more photos for comparing and tracking.

Set follow-up reminders

To make sure the treatment works, easily schedule a follow-up request.

Receive visual outcomes

Patient gets notifications and shares the status.

Remote monitoring with visual PROMs

Set monitoring pathway

Select when to ask data from the patient, including photos and PROMs.

Receive notifications

Follow patient adherence with tailored notifications.

View progress

The viewer helps to track symptoms or life quality and connect it to the visual data.

Send feedback to patient

Send feedback to the patient about progress and treatment changes.

Offline capturing

Switch to offline mode

When operating in an offline environment, use the offline mode.

Capture skin condition

Take a photo of a body-surface condition with Dermtest clinician app.

Upload later

Photos can be temporarily and securely stored on the device and later uploaded to the patient profile.

Track and compare

All photos are easily retrievable with the help of filtering and sorting tools.

Telehealth integration

Integrate with your telehealth platform

Light integration with your patient CRM or telehealth platform brings value when managing complex dermatological cases.

Click the button

While in telehealth call, just click to generate visual capture link.

Patient receives embedded link

Patient can share high quality photos of the skin problem with the most relevant context data.

Case for later use

The dermatological case does not end there, as follow-up, triage or decision support can follow.

Plan a demo to see all the functionalities and use cases  in action.

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